Project List / Elenco Progetti

Current Guest Projects / Progetti Ospiti Attuali

The ICTP Scientific FabLab infrastructure is devoted to creativity and research with special focus on possible applications of benefit for the society. There is an ongoing call for original Guest Projects involving the use of the flexible computer-controlled rapid-prototyping and fabrication tools available in the ICTP SciFabLab.

Il FabLab Scientifico dell’ICTP e’ indirizzato alla creatività e alla ricerca, e soprattutto a possibili applicazioni che beneficino la società civile. Esiste un bando permanente per Progetti Ospiti originali che richiedono l’utilizzo degli strumenti disponibili di prototipazione e fabbricazione  flessibile controllati dal computer presso lo SciFabLab ICTP.

Prusa i3
Coordinator: Daniele Lucà

Costruzione di una stampante 3D di tipo Prusa i3 a partire dai singoli componenti.
Starting date: 1 November 2014
Diary: blog posts

Archive of Past Guest Projects / Archivio dei Progetti Ospiti Precedenti

Mega Breadboard
Coordinator: Gaia Fior

Assemble of a blown-up breadboard and bigger electronic board with magnets to connect the single components so that smaller hands of children (and adults) with coordination difficulties can start prototyping on the “real thing” right from the basics.
Starting date: 12 August 2014

Duration: 6 months
Diary: blog posts

Math Exhibition using Low-cost 3D Printers
Coordinator: Marco Rainone
To reproduce and document the make of the IMAGINARY Math Exhibition ( using Low-cost 3D Printers for museums, schools and higher education institutions in developing countries.
Collaborator(s): Enrique Canessa
Starting Date: 12 August 2014
Duration: 6 months
Diary: blog posts

Ricerca del Centro Iniziale di Rotazione del Ginocchio
Coordinator: Giancarlo Pellis
Modellizzazione del moto rototraslatorio del ginocchio e realizzazione e verifica tramite stampa 3D di una procedura per la ricerca del centro iniziale di rotazione nella cinematica flesso-estensoria.
Collaborator(s): Mauro Trivella
Starting Date: 12 August 2014
Duration: 3 months
Diary: blog posts

RGB LED Cube 4 Rome MakerFaire 2014
Coordinator: Federico Deganis
Reproduction for educational purposes of a coloured cube of RGB Leds and an Arduino microcontroller. Layers of LEDs will be built and the code needed to run it will be tested.
Starting Date: 12 August 2014
Duration: 2 months
Diary: blog posts

3D Printing in Regenerative Medicine
Coordinator: Giacomo Cattaruzzi
The primary goal is to test the feasibility of 3D printing of implantable, customized medical devices for regenerative medicine using low-cost FDM 3D printers and filament extruders.

Collaborator(s): Piero Fissore, Desirée Rigonat
Starting Date: 20 August 2014
Duration: 6 months
Diary: blog posts

Coordinator: Sara Sossi
Questo progetto educativo vuole sfruttare risorse presenti nel territorio in modo di promuoverlo e valorizzarlo e si ispira al gioco infantile del “frottage” di una monetina. In quanto vincitore di un recente concorso internazionale (Premio Gillo Dorfles 2014), un requisito basilare per i prototipi di stampi-icona dei monumenti da sviluppare è quello di utilizzare nuove tecnologie di produzione per creare i bassorilievi, come la stampa 3D e il laser cutter.
Starting Date: 1 September 2014
Duration: 1 month
Diary: blog posts

Tunable Power Led illuminator for the didactic instrument ”Planetary Habitability Simulator”
Coordinator: Michele Maris

The instrument is designed to allow public to play with the concept of Planetary Habitability or Goldilocks Region of a planetary system. The device is made of an optical bench supporting a lamp, representing the star, and a model of planet. A sensor on the model detects the amount of light received from the lamp, an analog display shows the corresponding planetary average temperature. The public is allowed to play with the average star-planet distance, the star brightness and the planetary atmosphere (green house effect) looking at the effect on the average surface temperature. This project represents a major improvement in an already existing instrument for the public developed at the Trieste Astronomical Observatory. The idea is to allow the public to play with scientific concepts avoiding any form of “imperative” teaching displayed with a computer simulation, This project may become a prototype of tunable, stabilized illuminator, to be used in other fields, such as: caving, photography, arts and others.
Collaborator(s): Federico Deganis

Starting Date: 8 September 2014
Duration: 6 months
Diary: blog posts

Stampa di Circuiti con Plastica Conduttiva
Coordinator: Federico Zadra

Poter stampare a basso costo un circuito integrandolo immediatamente in un oggetto comporterebbe grandi vantaggi e semplificazioni nell’interazione con esso e nel suo eventuale assemblaggio. Nel progetto si studierà la stampa di circuiti con plastica conduttiva alimentati a batteria. Verrano testate varie forme e spessori del filamento stampato. Si studierà anche la produzione in-situ di plastica conduttiva con polvere di rame, ferro e grafite, e la ripetizione dei test con i filamenti prodotti. Si inseriranno durante la stampa alcuni LED nel circuito e si provvederà all’alimentazione del circuito con pannelli solari.
Collaborator(s): Francesca Lorenzutti

Starting Date: 20 September 2014
Duration: 3 months
Diary: blog posts

Where’s my tag?
Coordinator: Moris Zucca
Finding lost things (with a small and long lasting device) is something that hasn’t yet found a satisfying solution. With this project I want to develop a low power device that includes a GPS receiver, a radio transmitter, and a rechargeable battery. Ideally such a device would be small, last for more than a month or two on a single charge, and would broadcast it’s identity and position each hour or even more frequently if possible. The broadcast signal would be received by a receiver device connected to the internet. Whenever a new signal from any “Tag” device would be received, it would be sent to an online server so that every “receiver” would become part of a “monitoring network”. With a range of 1-2km inside a town, few receiver devices would be able to cover most of the town’s area. Other than the development of the specific devices, I’m interested in this project also to learn more generally how I can make two or more devices communicate with each other, and what are the options that current technology provides for this communication. If the project works out well, an additional goal would be the development of a website and smartphone app to work with the project. Once finished, the project could be converted in a kit with open source instructions, schematics and 3d models.
Collaborator(s): Federico Bressan
Starting Date: January 27, 2015
Duration: 6 months
Diary: blog posts

General-purpose Legged Robot
Coordinator: Federico Bressan
The aim of the project is to make a general-purpose legged robot. Locomotion mechanisms for legged robots will be investigated, so servo motors and servo controllers will be used. A set of sensors will be integrated onto the robot, e.g. IMU and positioning sensor, proximity sensor, force sensor, etc. An RF module will allow communication with other devices wirelessly and a simple robotic arm will be added to perform basic tasks. Prototype, models and code developed will be released as open source and a tutorial will be published in order to allow everyone to make their own robot.
Collaborator(s): Desirée Della Giustina
Starting Date: January 11, 2015
Duration: 6 months
Diary: blog posts

Ricerca nell’ambito del design generativo-parametrico
Coordinator: Matija Dolenc
Il progetto in questione tende alla generazione e fabbricazione di modelli parametrici, algoritmici e matematici attraverso l’uso di stampanti 3D e di macchine ad incisione laser. Lo scopo principale è quello di ricercare processi che promuovano design innovativi che focalizzano parte dell’attenzione all’abbattimento dei tempi e dei costi di produzione e all’utilizzo di materiali riciclabili. Particolare ruolo in questa ricerca avrà l’uso dell’incisore laser che permetterà di fabbricare strutture tridimensionali a partire da pannelli bidimensionali. L’obbiettivo non è solo quello di tradurre il design in modelli reali, ma di ricercare fino a che punto sia possibile generare strutture di graduale complessità utilizzando metodi di fabbricazione a basso costo.
Starting Date: 20 September 2014
Duration: 3 months
Diary: blog posts

A Minimal Low-cost 3D Printer
Coordinator: Marco Rainone
Feasibity study to develop a DIY low-cost 3D printer using recycled materials and a minimal frame structure.
Collaborator(s): Enrique Canessa
Starting date: 12 August 2014
Duration: 6 months
Diary: blog posts

Live Streaming at 360 degrees and Applications
Coordinator: Enrique Canessa
A low-cost prototype system for cognitive studies around a 360 degrees panoramic vision in real time, developed using open technologies.
Collaborator(s): Livio Tenze, Marco Rainone
Starting Date: 12 August 2014
Duration: 1 year
Diary: blog posts

Ricerca e Studio di Fattibilità di Stampa 4D
Coordinator: Enrique Canessa
Possibilità di realizzare elementi fisici e matematici aventi caratteristiche geometriche tempo-varibili.
Collaborator(s): Mauro Trivella
Starting Date: 12 August 2014
Duration: 1 Year
Diary: blog posts

Ricerca e Caratterizzazione Elettrica di Elementi Conduttivi Realizzati Mediante Stampa 3D
Coordinator: Mauro Trivella
Determinazione dei parametri elettrici di elementi realizzati mediante la stampa 3D con tecnologie FDM di basso costo. Ricerca e definizione di materiali per realizzare opportune caratteristiche elettriche. Studiare la possibilità di realizzare circuiti e/o sensori elettrici mediante stampa 3D con tecnologie FDM di basso costo. Possibilità di realizzare apparecchiature elettroniche affidabili e a basso costo.
Starting Date: 12 August 2014
Duration: 6 months
Diary: blog posts

Basic quadricopter drone as a technological support for further applications
Coordinator: Andrea Lorenzon
The aim of the project is to realize a simple, small, lightweight, open source quadricopter drone, to be used by us and other fablab members, as is or supplied with other instruments. At first we will identify the best project we will be able to find, trying to choose the best compromise between autonomy, payload, and costs.  Then we will buy our supplies, and build it in the fablab, involving as many people as possible to understand further developments and possible applications.
Collaborator(s): Raimondo Cappai, Massimiliano Tuveri
Starting Date: 1 September 2014
Diary: blog posts